// Draw Rotated, Shaded Outline Text // Shading is done by first drawing the text in black, // then offsetting it slightly and re-drawing in color. // Note: you can zoom way in on this graph. // (Requires QuickCalc BASIC ver 2.3 or higher.) degrees graph equalscales,includexaxis=0,includeyaxis=0 graph width=6,height=4,noaxes shape bottom=100,left=100, top=200,right=100 shape linecolor=(0,0,0) shape filltype=solid shape rotate=30 shape fillcolor=(0,0,0) shape font="Times New Roman" // or use any font of your choice shape bold=0, italic=0 x$="Text" shape characters=x$, text shape left=103, bottom=103,top=203,right=103 shape fillcolor=(230,200,50) // "gold" shape text // comment